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#WhatsOnYourMindWednesday...A Community In Mourning

For the past several Wednesdays we have used our website's blog page to invite our community partners to share what is on their mind with relation to our primary business focus...helping our clients with executive functioning, organizing, and move management.

But in light of the tragedy that unfolded two days ago here in our beloved Boulder, we felt it would be very disingenuous, not to mention, disrespectful to our grieving community to share anything today other than how heartbroken myself and the entire #TeamIJS has been since we first heard the news on Monday that 10 of our fellow Boulderites became victims to yet another mass shooting in our nation.

We work with individuals suffering on so many different levels to maintain any semblance of order in their homes and while we fully vet our clients as much as possible to ensure they are not a danger to themselves and/or others, it is very clear that there are far too many people that do have a mental illness and are slipping through the cracks more and more across our nation due to the lack of resources available without jumping through a ridiculous amount of hoops or, G-d forbid, actually have insurance that covers such care.

While we are not going to ever excuse the actions an individual might take to harm others, we are still extremely compassionate and truly want to be part of the solution to end the stigma associated with mental illness. Please, if you or anyone you know is in need of help, GET...IT...NOW! Do not be part of the problem that has been so prevalent in our society and try to sweep mental health under the proverbial rug. And for the love of whatever you believe in please contact all of your local, state, and federal representatives and let them know that assault weapons have no place in our society...EVER!

Boulder is a very tight and connected community and there is no doubt we will stand strong and get through this time together. Whether you knew any of the victims or not, processing an event like this can paralyze the most mentally stable of us so we hope that the following list of community resources, as well as the ever-growing number of memorials, vigils, and various types of ways to support the victims' families, will help you to grapple with the devasting effect this will have on us for the indefinite future.

Three years ago today I sadly yet proudly marched with my son, sister-in-law and nephew along with thousands of other concerned and caring citizens in Downtown LA for the March For Our Lives, organized after the Parkland Shooting in Florida several weeks before. I really thought at that time that true change would finally happen, but here we are, in 2021 still debating something that should not need to be debated.

From the bottom of my heart I wish us all peace, love and light in the days and weeks to come. Be safe...and, please, be kind to everyone. No one came into this world wanting to be mentally ill and we need to figure out how to manage the impact it has so much better.


COCTC aka Chief of Clutter To Calm

It's Just Stuff


Call the Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746.

The Boulder Valley School District’s trauma response team is supporting district students impacted. To receive support, fill out this form.

Tips for talking to children about violence can be found here.



A candlelight vigil for the victims is planned for 3/24 at 7:00 PM at the Boulder County Courthouse on the Pearl Street Mall.

Circle of Solace held by Congregation Nevei Kodesh: Thursday, March 25, 8:30am. Register here

March 25 - March for Our Lives Colorado and Moms Demand Action Colorado will be holding a car-based vigil in the parking lot at Fairview High School on Wednesday, March 25 at 6:30PM that will also be live streamed.

March 28 - St. John's Episcopal Church (Pine St., Boulder) will be holding a short prayer vigil outdoor, in-person, masked and physically distanced gathering for about a half hour. It will include prayer and the reading of the names of the dead, marked by the solemn tolling of the church tower bell. It may be live-streamed to FB or YouTube.


Serving the Colorado Front Range since 2016 

If you live outside of our general service area, 

please CONTACT US to discuss your organizing pain points virtually anywhere!

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